Technical specifications
Brand: Vivo China
Agency: BBDO
International producer: Radical Media- UK
Director: Josh Melnick and Xander Charity
Technical specifications
Brand: H&M
Agency: Strange Cargo
International producer: Indio Film - Sweden
Director: Adam Berg
Director of photography:...
Technical specifications
Brand: Unilever
Agency: Ogilvy
International producer: Somesuch - UK
Director: Raine Allen Miller
Director of photography: James...
Technical specifications
Brand: Emirates
Agency: Grey
International producer: Moxie Pictures - UK
Director: Vaughan Arnell
Director of photography: Jallo...
Technical specifications
Brand: Unilever
Agency: Ogilvy
International producer: 2AM - UK
Director: Jason Lowe
Director of photography: Pedro Cardillo
Technical specifications
Brand: Samsung
Agency: Leo Burnett
International producer: Smuggler - USA
Director: Mark Molloy
Director of photography: Franz...